[MoSB] Stack until you can stack no more

Day 3,216, 04:16 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Ministry of Entertainment

Good lord. When I applied, jokingly, to Karacticus for a position in Horice’s cabinet, I didn’t think for a moment that I’d get one. But get one I did - and not just any one.

I got THE job.

The daddy of all cabinet positions.

The veritable pee-yace-der-resist-once.

I am the inaugural Minister of Stacking Badgers.

I know, right? How on earth did that happen?

To be honest, the scale of the honour that has been bestowed upon me - and the terrifying responsibility that accompanies it - are only just sinking in. Although, luckily, I had some badgers on hand (the buggers are everywhere in the Minister’s Office), so a bit of therapeutic stacking got me through.

Somehow a rogue stoat managed to infiltrate the Ministry

I fully intend to approach the hallowed task of Stacking Badgers with the gravity it demands (even though, from bitter experience, I’ve already learned that gravity is very much the enemy of a dedicated badger stacker). And this means putting together a proper plan that can lead this great country into a programme of organised badger stacking, the likes of which no nation has ever seen before. Only through this shall we reclaim our heritage, secure our borders, facilitate our prosperity and - ultimately - return the eUK to top of the stack list of world leaders.

So, watch this space over the coming days for important stacking updates. And - while you wait - here are your priorities:

1. Stack badgers - practice makes perfect
2. Fight the pesky swedes. Mash them, if you will.
3. If the Americans turn up, fight them too.
4. Read other government rags newspapers for non-stacking related updates and instructions (links below)
5. Continue to stack badgers

Surprised Minister of Stacking Badgers signing off.

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