[MoHa] What You Need to know.

Day 647, 12:01 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by eUK Home Office

The eUK is a busy place. People sign up in there droves on a daily basis, and sometimes it is difficult to get an idea of what is really going on in the world. This article aims to start you off with some basic information, and point you in the direction of more detailed new players guides, and government information. To ensure you are informed, and stay informed.


The MoHa (Ministry of Home Affairs) is one of the current ministries that makes up the current eUK government, which itself is primarily split in two 2 parts; the Cabinet and its ministries, and Members of the House of Commons, who are your elected Congressmen. Both are headed and kept informed by the Prime Minister, who in-game is called the Country President.

The National Newspaper association is ran by the MoHa, and keeps a weekly roundup of high quality or important news of the week. It is currently running a competition to find the eUK’s most popular journalist, and is a great way to find important or good articles that you may have missed during the week.

New Players

We were all new players once, and it can be confusing. When I first started, I didn’t really know what I was doing, or what I would be doing in the future. But when you first start, there are a few things thrown at you that you need to get a hang of before you begin pursuing your aspirations and dreams. So, back in the day I wrote my own new players guide to help people along, it isn’t the most recent one, but it’s certainly widely used and highly popular. It covers most the issues that you will need to deal with, like getting a job, and another guide was made at a later date covering how to maintain your wellness.

This one is important. The best way to keep your wellness high is to fight once and heal at your local hospital (this you can only do once a day) if your wellness is low, the one fight and heal method will have you approaching 100 wellness is no time at all. Then, when your wellness is high you will be able to fight more times in one day, then heal. Remember never to fight more times than your local hospital has stars. The eUK has quite a few Q5 hospitals dotted around, and in these regions you can fight up to 5 times and replace all the wellness you would lose. You can find your hospitals quality on your region page. (Accessible through your profile).

If your wellness is below 40, (meaning you cannot fight) you can contact the NHS org for help and advice.

Where to get your information

As mentioned, the eUK has several ministries set up that help run the country, and many of them papers, which we highly advise subscribing to, so that you know where to get your information.
Firstly, the MoD’s paper. The Ministry of Defence will keep you updated on public orders and engagements of the eUK’s military.

The MoHa’s paper. Thats this one! We keep you updated on general eUK affairs, and occasionally send important anti-propaganda articles out so people know where to find the right info.

The NNA’s paper. As mentioned, the NNA Does a weekly roundup, subscribing is never a bad idea.

subscription? simply means that when one of these papers releases an article, a little notification appears at the left hand side of your screen.

Take note! And enjoy your future in eRep.
Mr Woldy, MoHa.


In a far away place, not unlike this one, without the constant need to press f5, there are forums packed to the gills with lots of exciting shiny things.
Permit me to explain what these shiny things consist of:

eCricket- Howzat?! The domestic league, sponsored by the Wellington Chase Bank, is a flourishing eCricket game based in our forums. Will you except the challenge and step up to the crease?


Fantasy Football- join the league and guide your team to the top. If you enjoy football but detest the running around this is the game for you.


Erepublik F1- If you’re a petrol head with a need for speed then you need this in your life. Get over to the forums and sign up for Erepublik F1 now.


MoHa Caption Comp- If your wit is razor sharp then this is not the game for you. Join our weekly caption competition and make the MoHa laugh. Do that and you’ll win big shiny prizes.


Regional Wars- War what is it good for? Well actually in this instance its good for a laugh. Join your regional forces and defend your homeland from the enemy within.


If you have any games, schemes or fun things that you think the MoHa would be interested in supporting then please get in touch with Me."

Karacticus, acting uMoHa