Missing miles

Day 2,904, 12:03 Published in India India by Patanjali
Oṃ bhūr bhuvaḥ svaḥ


Paired opposites define your longings and those longings imprison you. – The Zensunni Whip – DUNE – Frank Herbert.

miles 247 , like many others in this game, was an unexpected surprise this game gave to me. Surprise are supposed to be pleasant.

He was, and I feel it that way to, at the beginning, a hard nut. First I thought he is anger for some reason.
Yet, like a coconut, when I discovered the juicy inside of that nut … something wonderful happen.

By that time he was young and, like any other youngster, he was interested by Love .
A love I thought (and, perhaps others too) he find here .

Nevertheless, he succeed to lead me into an extraordinary trip, getting out the best part of me, I believe, looking back now.

All seems to started with a Balance of things, and continues till the end of Time .

Oh, there where such great times.

Perhaps those kind of stories, now that the invasion of headless chicken end, would be a better kind of articles.

Meri shubhkaamanaaye aapke saath hai !