[miles] Abstract Love – A Concept

Day 1,526, 21:54 Published in India USA by miles247

I’ll begin with what meaning of love has been to me upto this point of time. I have always thought of love as the feeling for someone/something where you are so much in understanding with the object of love of your love that you are not afraid to give total control of your mind, your body and your total existence over to that someone/ something. If you are afraid to give total control, you are not in love yet. It is a wonderful feeling. But if the love is mutual, other being is not always able to use it. You two understand each other so deeply and you are not afraid to let your feelings flow.

But yesterday, all of a sudden, Maniu throws this idea of love without an object. It is difficult for me to explain because I haven’t reached that state of mind where someone might be able to experience this abstract love, it could be like you are in love with nothing and everything. I’d ask Maniu to explain further.

Well, to me, it came quite as a revelation. Because if love is for something/someone, then there is always a possibility of that object going away from your life, and this kind of love always fades away, depending on the relationship. If love is abstract, you can be in eternal bliss, for it is a state of mind. And as you can reach any state of mind at will, this one would be eternal. An idea of eternal love somehow sounds fascinating.

Well, I just wanted to throw this idea around and banter about it. Writing like this helps one think better. Hope to reach that state of mind someday.

Signing off,