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This paper explors the life, times, thoughts and general things all Treian.

One year ago today.......

18 Ziua 861, 12:51 Publicat în Canada Canada

......Treian was born

It's hard to believe that it's been a year already, but today marks my one year "eBirthday" here in eRepublik and eCanada.

So far in my time, I've seen.....

-Bruck as PM

-Treian wins his first congress

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Treian for New Brunswick Congress

15 Ziua 854, 14:08 Publicat în Canada Canada

My fellow CNCers and eCanadians

It is unfortunate that my beloved CNC has sliped from the top 5 this month and will not be able to run candidates in the congressionals, this does not mean that we CNCers will not run.

In fact we are running.

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eCanadian unity: Where do you stand?

22 Ziua 829, 17:20 Publicat în Canada Canada

Unity. It is a strong word that describes an ideal that many desire to attain, but what is it really??
Unity is defined as such:

1. The state or quality of being in accord; harmony.
2. The combination or arrangement of parts into a whole;

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With Deepest apologies to all eCanada

13 Ziua 800, 12:49 Publicat în Canada Canada

My fellow citizens

My last article brought about news of my running for the office of the Prime Minister of eCanada. It's not often that I must make a statement retracting what I have said, unfortunately in this case it must be done.........

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Treian for Prime Minister of eCanada!!

12 Ziua 792, 15:05 Publicat în Canada Canada

My fellow eCanadians

I do not write often, but when I do it is to bring you big news, or important information.

As the title says, I plan to run for the nations top office again in the upcomming election. Durring my last campaign I found I

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