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This paper explors the life, times, thoughts and general things all Treian.

Changing of the guard

23 Ziua 1,326, 15:06 Publicat în Canada Canada Socializare și divertisment Socializare și divertisment

Hello eCanada

I haven't written one of these in a long while, also I have not had a new avatar in, well..... forever really.

So this is what I'm proposing, I want YOUR help in choosing an avatar that will become "Treian" for the next little

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Treian for Quebec Congress

5 Ziua 1,067, 15:19 Publicat în Canada Canada

Hello eCanada

Why vote Treian??


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So long my friend

18 Ziua 936, 14:07 Publicat în Canada Canada

My dearest eCanada and all eCanadians

Over the past few months I have not been up to my usual standard of play. RL has butt in a few times however to be honest things in our wonderfull nation for me have not been going well.

My no BS and

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The Hero eCanada Needs

16 Ziua 865, 22:53 Publicat în Canada Canada

My fellow eCanadians

It is with great pleasure that I anounce that I have won, by inner party vote opened up to all candidates from all parties, the nomination of the CNC and the CSD.

To them I say thank you for believing in me, and the dream

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Treian for Prime Minister of eCanada!!

15 Ziua 862, 08:57 Publicat în Canada Canada

Bonjour and Greetings my fellow eCanadians

I am proud to say that this April 5th I will be seeking your vote to become eCanada's next Prime Minister.
Aussi, je suis tres fiere d'annoncer que Cypher Rahl vas etre mon Depute!!

Along with this

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