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Congressional Press: 2nd Edition of the 28th Congress: Committee Highlights

14 Ziua 873, 19:21 Publicat în USA USA

Greetings Citizens of the eUs!
This is the paper of your Congress, bringing you all the information you need to know about your legislative branch of government.

[img][/img] … citește în continuare »

28th Congress Introduction

23 Ziua 868, 03:48 Publicat în USA USA

From the 28th Congress of the eUnited States, to the citizens of our country.
Hopefully we'll be able to address you at least once a week, giving updates on ongoing debates and political matters of the state.
First of all, direct your attention

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Report on the 27th Congress of the eUnited States

6 Ziua 853, 04:13 Publicat în USA USA

As you all are most assuredly aware, the 27th Congress has received a lot of bad press over the last month. We have been blamed for a great many scandals, some of which we accept responsibility for and some in which we were mistakenly blamed. We are

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Did you know the 26th Congress?

7 Ziua 826, 12:45 Publicat în USA USA

Hello there eAmerica,

I apologize for the tardiness of this article, it solely falls on my shoulders. I can say this article is very informative, and maybe it can help you make your decision in re-electing a congressmen who performed well in your

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The 25th Congress Mid-Term Report

13 Ziua 788, 23:59 Publicat în USA USA


Table of Contents:

Section A – Information the 25th Congress
~ Introduction of Speaker of the House, Deputy Speaker of the House, … citește în continuare »