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31st Mandate Introduction

12 Ziua 953, 16:12 Publicat în USA USA

Hello America. First off, for everyone who voted in Friday’s election, thank you. You are the people who make this country run and choose the best people to serve for this country in Congress.


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A message from the Speaker of the House

14 Ziua 944, 18:06 Publicat în USA USA

We are swiftly approaching the end of the 30th congressional term of the eRepublik congress, and thus I thought an overview, from the Speaker’s point of view might be of interest to you all. Warning: this article may … citește în continuare »

Whats happening in congress; first half of the 30th term.

7 Ziua 935, 17:07 Publicat în USA USA

A reasonably productive few weeks in congress thus far; here are the highlights.

Quorum & activity
Since a recent policy change concerning how we determine quorum and the implementation of a required weekly sign-in, I'm

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30th congress, an introduction to a disused paper

14 Ziua 924, 19:44 Publicat în USA USA

After some discussion in Congress, we have decided to re launch the congressional newspaper, publishing articles more frequently and helping the average eUS citizen better understand how congress works.

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29th Congress Peer Review & Activity Levels

18 Ziua 916, 19:56 Publicat în USA USA

Greetings, citizens of the eUS!

Unfortunately, this is both the first and last issue that will be published for the 29th Congress. However, this issue … citește în continuare »