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The official newspaper of eUKs oldest surviving citizen

How to Fight (and improve your health) - a Guide for Beginners

13 Ziua 407, 10:44 Publicat în United Kingdom United Kingdom


You may have noticed that as Indonesia has attacked Argentina (a country with which we have a Mutual Protection Pact) - we are now 'At War' with Indonesia.

What you may NOT be aware of, is that you can enter the battle WITHOUT having to

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Reminder - Erepublik UK Forum

1 Ziua 404, 03:28 Publicat în United Kingdom United Kingdom


Answer - because it is all on the UK Forum!A reminder/pointer for those who have recently joined us in eUK.

Our UK specific Forum (which includes … citește în continuare »

CertaCito - UKRP Congressional Candidate for Eastern Region

4 Ziua 399, 10:51 Publicat în United Kingdom United Kingdom

This is a sort article to introduce myself a one of the Congressional candidates for Eastern Region in the elections scheduled to take place on 25th December 2008.

For those that do not know me, here are a few bulet points:

- Been an elected '

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Resistance War in South Africa - Western Cape back under Indonesian Rule

3 Ziua 369, 14:22 Publicat în United Kingdom United Kingdom

The news from Western Cape this evening is that the popular uprising led by *teacher* has been put down ruhlessly by the Indonesian military.

This defeat is being attributed in some part to inherent bugs within the war module - more detail in an '

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Hard Worker Award - Pays 5 Gold!

2 Ziua 369, 05:39 Publicat în United Kingdom United Kingdom

This morning I went to work at Zycon Forts as usual, only to find a reception party waiting for me.

To my pleasant surprise, I was award a 'Hard Worker' Award - or 30 consecutive days of work without a break.

To sweeten the moment even more,

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