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CertaCito - UKRP Candidate for East of England / NHS Prescriptions Scheme

2 Ziua 514, 04:27 Publicat în United Kingdom United Kingdom


After a certain amount of deliberation I have decided to stand for election to Congress - again.

I believe that I am now holding the records for the most terms of office in any Government within Erepublik and have the longest unbroken

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CertaCito - UKRP Congressional Candidate for Eastern Region (Yet Again Again)

3 Ziua 486, 06:09 Publicat în United Kingdom United Kingdom

Once again I am standing for re-election to Congress.

Rather than do a cut and paste/re-edit job on my standard manifesto, I think that it is a little better that I just point you at my previous efforts - all of the points and policies made

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Brussels Resistance War - Post Exercise Analysis

6 Ziua 460, 01:44 Publicat în United Kingdom United Kingdom

Well - despite our good intentions the Brussels RW only lasted just over 24 hours, with the result that Brussels is now 'liberated'. Our intent was to prolong the conflict as long as possible in order to gain maximum battle experience - but sadly

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CertaCito - UKRP Congressional Candidate for Eastern Region (Yet Again)

5 Ziua 458, 07:58 Publicat în United Kingdom United Kingdom

This is a short article to introduce myself a one of the Congressional candidates for Eastern Region in the elections scheduled to take place on 25th February 2009.

For those that do not know me, here are a few bullet points:

- Been an elected

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CertaCito - UKRP Congressional Candidate for Eastern Region (Again)

2 Ziua 424, 22:21 Publicat în United Kingdom United Kingdom

This is a short article to introduce myself as the Congressional candidate for Eastern Region in the elections scheduled to take place on 25th January 2009.

For those that do not know me, here are a few bulet points:

- Been an elected 'back

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