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TGE for Congress

21 Ziua 1,465, 06:37 Publicat în Germany Germany Dezbateri și analiză politică Dezbateri și analiză politică

Hiermit gebe ich meine Kandidatur in Rhineland-Palatine der nationalbefreiten Zone Sachsen-Anhalt für die anstehenden Kongresswahlen bekannt.

Über mich:
Ich bin war ein sehr aktiver Bürger. Ich habe den Widerstand und

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GAME OVER - Der Adler fliegt hinfort

66 Ziua 1,304, 05:54 Publicat în Germany Germany Socializare și divertisment Socializare și divertisment

To my foreign readers:

Im quitting playing eRep. Its boring and I have no motivation to play this game anymore. Funny community is fine, but not enough in a game like this. If you want to stay in contact with me, you can send me a link to your

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Adler hilft gerupftem Huhn - [TGE FOR CP] - UPDATE

53 Ziua 1,227, 06:16 Publicat în Germany Germany

Werte eDeutsche,

hiermit erkläre ich meine Kandidatur für das Amt des Präsidenten. Es gibt zwar schon einige ernstzunehmende Kandidaten (metaphoriQue und carbon97 z😎, aber

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Wyniki badania - Polska niezdecydowana [Results of the survey]

32 Ziua 1,217, 06:09 Publicat în Poland Poland

Dear readers,

first of all I want to thank all the ones, who answered my questions. DZIĘKUJĘ!
Especially for my friends from WP - Thanks for the translation of the polish answers!
If there are still mistakes, its my fault (or of google

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Rental Agreement and NAP between The Polish Eagle - eGermany

24 Ziua 1,213, 02:51 Publicat în Poland Poland

for eGermany: slayer10 (CP)
for Polish Eagle: The Polish Eagle (Emperor)
for ePolan😛 Pierre Dzoncy (CP)

Return of Hesse:
eGerman officials will initiate the return of Hesse to The Polish Eagle immeditely after the … citește în continuare »