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Turning the Page With the CvP

4 Ziua 570, 14:42 Publicat în USA USA

As some of you know this upcoming PP election will mark the transition of power from Desertfalcon, the CvP's current PP, to Mattoze5. This is a cause for great celebration as it shows the establishment of a new administration and hopefully building

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What does that DC guy do again?

1 Ziua 568, 17:13 Publicat în USA USA

The topic says it all, I know there are some of you out there who have no idea who I am, those who dislike me, are my friends, or otherwise. I'm here to just let you know what exactly I do and how I can help you!

First I am a proud member of the

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Somewhere Over the Rainbow

2 Ziua 555, 18:39 Publicat în USA USA

Hello everyone I'm DC (Dodgercatcher) former Senator here. I am here today to talk about my disappointing Congressional loss and my future plans. So let's get started!

Part I: The Elections

1) The week of the 17- 24 of May I announced that I

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Goodbye Atlantis (The Goodbye Stranger Remix)

4 Ziua 547, 17:10 Publicat în USA USA

Please skip the lyrics if you want to because there is a real article below them.

It was an early morning yesterday
I was up before the dawn
And I really have enjoyed my stay
But I must be moving on

Like a king without a castle
Like a

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Louisiana Running, The Congress Announcement

7 Ziua 543, 19:33 Publicat în USA USA

Hello Louisiana and whoever else might be reading this, this is your Senator DC (Dodgercatcher) here announcing my run for Congress again. Some of you might remember last month me barely getting in but rest assured I have been hard at work for you,

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