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Official CvP Press Conference Release and Primary Results Announcement

12 Ziua 584, 20:16 Publicat în USA USA

On the night of Friday, June 26th, 2009 at 9 p.m. EST or 6 p.m. Pacific Ajay Bruno held a press conference about his winning of the CvP Primary after all other candidates either dropped out or endorsed another candidate before dropping out. Now I'm

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Run Hard, Finish First, Down the Stretch Comes DC

3 Ziua 583, 14:11 Publicat în USA USA

Hey everyone,

I'm DC (Dodgercatcher) and if you don't know I'm running against Woxan in Nevada. We are both great candidates and I wish we weren't running against each other because Congress will be missing a good Senator either way but I believe

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6 Ziua 579, 20:02 Publicat în USA USA

Support DC for POTUS cause he's awesome and pure win 😃

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Going On A Run (For Congress)

12 Ziua 576, 14:44 Publicat în USA USA

I would like to announce my running for Congress in Nevada.

I'm not going to make some long article about what I believe and stand for or anything like that, I'm just going to cover a few key topics and let you get on with your life.

First I

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Official CvP New Council Member Announcement!

6 Ziua 575, 20:51 Publicat în USA USA

After the election of Mattoze5 to the Conservative Part presidency, a new party council was nominated and has taken office.

The list of the new council, along with a description of their duties, follows below.

Party Vice-President -

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