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1 Ziua 1,104, 08:20 Publicat în United Kingdom United Kingdom

I've shouted that I'll be moving to ePhillipines on vacation, so that's my sad bye to eUK 🙁
The war is killing me, I need to relax a bit, train other skills apart from military ones. Then I saw Phillipines as the right place to I train

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Ágætis Byrjun

6 Ziua 1,103, 08:03 Publicat în United Kingdom United Kingdom

This is my fist article ever, let's start explaining who is me and what are my main ideas.
My name is Sthanley and I'm member of RFA and the army.
The name of this article mean "a good start" in Icelandic (I love Iceland!), and the name of my

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