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Olá nação portuguesa!

15 Ziua 1,203, 12:46 Publicat în Portugal Portugal

A principio gostaria de desculpar-me por minha tardia apresentação, pois bem, chamo-me Sthanley, venho do Reino Unido onde tenho vários amigos e belas … citește în continuare »

Tomorrow Starts Today

3 Ziua 1,184, 09:57 Publicat în United Kingdom United Kingdom

Day 1,184 of the New World, today we start a revolution on eUK, today we will free ourselves from authority, today we will be anarchists.

I've won "There is no

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Irony d:

3 Ziua 1,177, 17:28 Publicat în United Kingdom United Kingdom

Just found some time to write, I want to know what happened while I was away, if anyone can tell what is going on eUK I'll be surely glad 😉
BTW I'm not fully back to the game yet, but I'm getting more active, it's like becoming a newbie again 😛

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So... I resign

9 Ziua 1,156, 12:10 Publicat în United Kingdom United Kingdom

Many noticed that I'm no long active on forums, IRC and other stuff, I'm very busy wwith my RL, so I'll become a two clicker on the next months, I will be fully active at July (maybe). So, bye for now 🙁

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1st week review

2 Ziua 1,138, 16:28 Publicat în United Kingdom United Kingdom

Let's start with the turks thing:
Turks, I want an eUK strong, but I want the true eUK strong, with our own culture and people, the mass you tried to move would kick one of our most "brit" parties off Top 5. I have nothing against you guys, just

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