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Vote Mitch Rapp in the West Region

5 Ziua 765, 07:41 Publicat în Netherlands Netherlands

So this month i have to decided to go back to the beginning for me. I started playing Erepublik in the West Region and was also elected there into congress the first 5 times of my career. So now I am back to make it another time into congress on

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Another day in eParadise? WRONG

14 Ziua 730, 23:46 Publicat în Netherlands Netherlands

You would say it is just another day in our little eParadise. Nothing wrong, nothing changed, I mean there isn’t anything in our news or any big announcements from the government. Right? WRONG, the UNL has left PEACE and is now alone!!! The

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Know the True Face of Your Enemy [Belgian Edition]

9 Ziua 710, 03:52 Publicat în Belgium Belgium

Lately we have had the joy of Kristache and Highst visiting us on our IRC channel. They also seem to enjoy to troll our newspaper articles and leave some comments. In these comments and on IRC they now claim that they have great plans for Belgium/

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Know the True Face of Your Enemy

16 Ziua 710, 03:50 Publicat în Netherlands Netherlands

Lately we have had the joy of Kristache and Highst visiting us on our IRC channel. They also seem to enjoy to troll our newspaper articles and leave some comments. In these comments and on IRC they now claim that they have great plans for Belgium/

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Q5 Hospital in the West Region

14 Ziua 701, 03:09 Publicat în Netherlands Netherlands

The worldwide demand for Q5 Hospitals has dropped enormously. PEACE doesn’t attack any F/E countries anymore for the fear of activating MPP’s and this is the same the other way around. … citește în continuare »