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The New Government

12 Ziua 804, 01:21 Publicat în Netherlands Netherlands

After the Congress Elections I was asked by the Party President of Iron & Wine if I wanted to function as “formateur” of the new United Netherlands government. I focused my efforts on GLD and LP because we worked so well in the past and wanted

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Shame on our Congress

26 Ziua 799, 03:05 Publicat în Netherlands Netherlands

Yesterday we had Congress Election and most of us voted on a candidate that we trust to show insight. As a reward these Congress Members normally get 5 gold and a nice medal but yesterday was different. Some Congress Members got up to 25 gold

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MPP with the UK

25 Ziua 794, 02:43 Publicat în Netherlands Netherlands

We have been without an open battle for several days already and this is destroying our country. In the last few weeks we had daily more then 25 people join on average and as a country we were growing as well. That growth stopped when we had no more

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First Time in UNL History

68 Ziua 776, 02:27 Publicat în Netherlands Netherlands

Yesterday was a great day for the UNL because it was the first time in our history that we went to war ourselves. Our goal was from the start to block Poland and thereby allowing Germany and their allies to regain the offensive. It was never

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Prepare for Glory

33 Ziua 773, 10:40 Publicat în Netherlands Netherlands

In time of great need, we need people to stand up and show the world what they are worth. Today, we, the UNL, have a chance to prove what we are worth to the rest of the eWorld. The UNL Congress is voting on a Declaration of War on Poland. If it

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