Ambient pornit/oprit


29 Ziua 838, 18:50 Publicat în Canada Canada

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Throughout the history of the Canadian Paradox Party, Canada's oldest existent political … citește în continuare »

What's the easiest way?

3 Ziua 838, 11:57 Publicat în Canada Canada

A nation is only as strong as its youth

The Kiwi Independent Party (KIP) is announcing the launch of New Zealand’s first food program
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CPP Candidates for Congress for February!

6 Ziua 828, 08:44 Publicat în Canada Canada

First, a note for everyone who would like to vote CPP this election. Please sign up for our SVU unit by filling out this form.

We no longer hold a

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Why I joined the Canadian Paradox Party...

27 Ziua 825, 14:57 Publicat în Canada Canada


Voir la version française ci-dessous


I, Gaius Julius Caesar00, hold the Presidency of the CPP. This is my third term in … citește în continuare »

Thank you Paradoxia!

3 Ziua 819, 17:08 Publicat în Canada Canada

If you are a new citizen of New Zealand, I would highly recommend you subscribe for future updates.

I hope you all are getting comfortable in your new surroundings and enjoying the new scenery.
Helm's Deep does have a … citește în continuare »