Thank you Paradoxia!

Day 819, 17:08 Published in Canada Canada by Gaius Julius Caesar00
If you are a new citizen of New Zealand, I would highly recommend you subscribe for future updates.

I hope you all are getting comfortable in your new surroundings and enjoying the new scenery.
Helm's Deep does have a breathtaking view!


Now, onto the important stuff. New Zealand has a forum-elected, provisional government lead by Myles Robinson. This government is tasked with the creation of our new nation's ministries and economy until an election is held first for Congress, and then for our first President.

The Ministry of Finance has now released its first report and issued a number of important recommendations such as:

I) Investors looking to create new raw materials companies should focus on grain in Auckland as it is the country's only high resource. All others are unprofitable even for the most savvy.

II) The Ministry encourages you to upgrade your companies to the highest quality level you can afford as these higher quality goods will be in high demand.

III) Low quality weapons are not recommended as the world markets are currently saturated at both one and two star quality levels.

The full report is available here:



Caesar's Foundation was launched today. This is a charitable organization designed to provide assistance to hungry New Zealanders in the form of food donations. It has been founded with the generosity of yours truly, Gaius Julius Caesar00. A total of 10 gold and $150 CAD was donated to the organization.

If you would like to help, please do send your donations. We can accept cash, gold, and food donations. Your donation will be published along with the donation amount with your consent. Donations may be made through this link:

If the inventory box is full, please do not panic. Simply send a message through the link below or to my citizen and inventory space will be cleared or an alternative arrangement provided.

If you are in need of assistance, please send a message to Caesar's Foundation here:

All I ask is that when you are back on your feet, please return the favour by donating so that others receive the same chances you benefit from.


The New Zealand Defence Force is operational and accepting new recruits into both reserve and regular forces with an additional training division online now. If you wish to be a part of the new army, please apply:

New Zealand Army (Reserves/Training):

New Zealand SAS (Mobile): N/A

Full article:


Congratulations to each and every New Zealander on your new nation!

Voir la version française ci-dessous

Thank you to the wonderful members of the Canadian Paradox Party for electing myself, Gaius Julius Caesar00 to an almost unparalleled third term as Party President. I am honoured.

There was no moving speech or composed platform to promote my election campaign this February. Instead, I have one solemn pledge; to return the Canadian Paradox Party to the top five party status it has earned many times over.

Why is being a top five party so important? Only those in the top five parties can run for Congressional election. If necessary, we can run candidates in other parties but it is a last resort. The Canadian Paradox Party should not have to run candidates in the CSD or DAL. We have served eCanada well in the past and it is not befitting of a party of our esteem.

With that, I have launched an aggressive recruitment program. First, an ad was launched pointing to Chucky Norris’ excellent article about the CPP from a few weeks ago. This ad has been very successful today and we hope it will continue for at least a week. A corresponding French language version was also published simultaneously.

Of course, ads can only do so much. They raise awareness, which is important, but one-to-one contact is infinitely more important. Over the course of the next week and into the future, I will personally make it my daily mission to recruit Canadians into arguably the most welcoming political party in Canada.

All members of the CPP are encouraged to participate in any way they can.

I have also been making changes to the forum, adding the new logo to our header and removing the red background. I hope you like the change. Soon, we will have a 100% French language only forum within the main forum for our native French speakers as well. We hope a new wave of Québécois will embrace our philosophy of community and democracy and commitment to our beautiful country.

To visit, click on this link:

As always, questions or concerns can be forwarded to my citizen account. Just click the name and enter your message. I love hearing from my members.

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Merci aux merveilleux membres du Canadian Paradox Party pour m’avoir élu, Gaius Julius Caesar00, pour un troisième mandat comme Président du Parti. J’en suis honoré.

Il n’y avait aucun discours ni de plateformes prévues pour promouvoir ma campagne ce février. Cependant, j’ai un objectif, faire revenir le Canadian Parapod Party à son statut d’origine dans le top 5 des partis.

Pourquoi être un parti dans le top 5 est si important? Seulement ceux dans le top 5 peuvent participer aux élections du congrès. Si nécessaire, nous pouvons faire courir plusieurs candidats dans les autres partis, mais seulement en dernier recours. Le Canadian Paradox Party ne devrait pas à participer grâce au CSD ou au DAL. Nous avons beaucoup servis le eCanada dans le passé et cette position n’est pas convenable pour un parti de notre estime.

Avec cela, j’ai lancé une campagne de recrutement agressive. En premier lieu, nous avons lancé une publicité pointant vers l’excellant article de Chucky Norris à propos du CPP il y a quelques semaines. Cette publicité fut un succès et nous espérons que cela continuera à l’être pour au moins une semaine. Une version française fut aussi publiée en même temps.

Bien sûr, les publicités peuvent en faire beaucoup. Ils font de la sensibilisation, qui est important, mais le contact entre personnes est réellement beaucoup plus important. Pendant la cours de la semaine prochaine et dans le futur, je vais personnellement en faire ma mission journalière de recruter des Canadiens dans le parti politique le plus accueillant du Canada

Tous les membres du CPP sont encouragés à participer de n’importe quel façon possible.

J’ai aussi fait des changements sur le forum : Ajouter le nouveau logo dans l’en-tête et enlever le fond d’écran rouge. J’espère que vous aimez les changements. Bientôt, nous allons avoir un forum 100% francophone avec le forum principal pour tous nos francophones natifs. Nous espérons qu’une nouvelle vague de Québécois embrasseront notre philosophie de communauté, de démocratie et d’engagement dans notre pays magnifique.

Pour visiter, cliquez sur le lien:

Comme toujours, les questions ou les commentaires peuvent être envoyé à mon compte de citoyen. Vous avez simplement à cliquer sur le nom et entrer votre message. J’adore entendre les commentaires de mes membres.