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Sorry Subcribers

6 Ziua 742, 09:08 Publicat în Ireland Ireland

So I've received a lot of angry messages from subcribers and I just want to clarify that I will not be writing another international article again. As an apology, and out of pure coincidence, I am giving the first person to read this and to

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6 Ziua 741, 19:09 Publicat în Venezuela Venezuela

Brazil ought to invade all other South American nations to prevent European control. It would be marvelous, plus... if Brazil ruled the empire through a democratic principality system adding a few synthetic levels of government it could ensure that

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2 Ziua 741, 19:08 Publicat în Colombia Colombia

Brazil ought to invade all other South American nations to prevent European control. It would be marvelous, plus... if Brazil ruled the empire through a democratic principality system adding a few synthetic levels of government it could ensure that

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5 Ziua 741, 19:08 Publicat în Chile Chile

Brazil ought to invade all other South American nations to prevent European control. It would be marvelous, plus... if Brazil ruled the empire through a democratic principality system adding a few synthetic levels of government it could ensure that

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3 Ziua 741, 19:07 Publicat în Argentina Argentina

Brazil ought to invade all other South American nations to prevent European control. It would be marvelous, plus... if Brazil ruled the empire through a democratic principality system adding a few synthetic levels of government it could ensure that

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