Ambient pornit/oprit

Woot! And not so woot.

13 Ziua 750, 14:04 Publicat în Ireland Ireland


So I will be shipping off to either India or Pakistan in mere minutes. I just wanted to pay my respects to Ireland and her people. You guys (and gals) have made this nation great for me! Special thanks to Navy, GG, Niall, Appleman, … citește în continuare »

I have no legitimit title for this article

5 Ziua 748, 20:45 Publicat în Ireland Ireland


Lots of updates from me. I have taken up the job of Director of Loans in Standard Bank, which was one of the responses I got when I last posted an article saying how desperately I wanted work. To Johny Gomez, thank you! I've already given out

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Oi, Bored and In Need of Work

12 Ziua 744, 16:55 Publicat în Ireland Ireland

I need something to do... if you need something done tell me, I am so bored I am actually considering turning off the lap top (which practically heresy on eRepublik). Seriously... if you need work done tell me I am extremely bored and skilled

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Wow That Was Quick (Intro to songs)

5 Ziua 743, 20:11 Publicat în Ireland Ireland

So... I'm hoping my good feeling doesn't pass because I feel pretty good. I had a few slices of pizza and a mango shake and have been able to keep it down so I will not be going two-clicking. Also, I have decided to make an official playlist

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Gone Double Clicking

6 Ziua 743, 17:10 Publicat în Ireland Ireland

So me and everyone in my family is really sick with a foreign illness that my uncle brought back from Thailand... so in a quick sentence, I will be gone for quite a while double clicking as I can barely keep food down. I have had half a

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