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World Reporting

From the Front Lines: United Kingdom (+ France)

0 Ziua 808, 14:34 Publicat în Canada Canada

First and foremost I want to say congrats Canada! We've managed to take Scotland from the brits. Today's paper will be about the British Isles and France.

The United Kingdom

As I already touched on, Canada has taken hold of Scotland. The

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Europe at War

1 Ziua 804, 14:14 Publicat în Canada Canada

Hello! Welcome again to my paper. I'm sorry for not writing this weekend or friday. Let's begin. Today's article is about mostly western europe, but other parts of the world will also be examined.

France's Return Short Lived? The United Kingdom

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From the Front Lines: Western and Northern Europe

2 Ziua 800, 14:24 Publicat în Canada Canada

Hello, and welcome again. Today's focus will be western and northern Europe. Let's start with EDEN and the United Kingdom.

EDEN and the UK:

EDEN members Poland, Sweden and Canada have all attacked the United Kingdom recently to block it from

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From the Front Lines: Pakistan (revisited)

1 Ziua 799, 15:04 Publicat în Canada Canada

I am rewriting this article to clarify and add some more details.

A while back, I think many of us can remember Pakistan's complicated region swap all the way up to Serbia so that Serbia could reach Asia and help its allies there.


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From the Front Lines: Pakistan

1 Ziua 798, 14:49 Publicat în Canada Canada

From the front lines. Let's begin. The article today is fairly short.

Today, India declared war and subsequently attacked Pakistan's North frontier provence as Serbia attacked Punjab, the Pakistani hospital region. Serbia is attempting to reach

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