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World Reporting

Chaos in the World

3 Ziua 840, 15:31 Publicat în Canada Canada

Hello all and welcome back to the New Era Times. It has been quite a while since I have last written an article for all to enjoy. From now on new articles will be released every week on tuesdays. A lot ha happened in the past week and a half, … citește în continuare »

An Update

3 Ziua 833, 06:17 Publicat în Canada Canada

Sorry I have not written in forever. RL commitments are pushing the idea of this paper every day to every week. So, I will ask my viewers to vote on which day the paper will come out every week.

[image] [/image]

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday,

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Greece Wins!

1 Ziua 826, 19:44 Publicat în Canada Canada

Today's article will be rather short since not many things have happened!

Greece Conqueres Eastern Anatolia

What I initially thought were blocking attacks by Greece with minimal efforts made to win these battles has ended up with another

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France is Free

2 Ziua 825, 14:48 Publicat în Canada Canada

Free France

After a large amount of resistance wars were started in Polish territory, specifically France, two have succeeded.

Just like last month, PHOENIX made a move to liberate a captured country so that it could elect members of congress

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Auk Rest for New Brunswick

4 Ziua 824, 07:36 Publicat în Canada Canada

Rarely will I ever use this newspaper to further my own goals, but today, unfortunately I must admit that I am. I will be running for congress in New Brunswick for the Canadian Progressive Front.

I'm asking for any support for people to vote for

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