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31 Ziua 872, 11:25 Publicat în USA USA

Hmmm we need some theme about
Alles Neu I don't speak German but it sounds cool xD

But anyways, Today I'm doing something a little different.

I'm going to do a SEES Q&A

Ask me any

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18 Ziua 871, 20:02 Publicat în USA USA

Are you wearing you WWED (What Would Emerick Do) Bracelets? I am, and it has helped me in many situations.

Like today, I was at the movie theater and there was a guy talking on his phone in the middle of the movie. I was about to start a scene

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Hell yah we hatin'

54 Ziua 871, 14:35 Publicat în USA USA

So, today I was planning on writing about ducks when suddenly, I came across this article. I don't know how I missed it but anyways, I

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Get ready.

14 Ziua 870, 14:44 Publicat în USA USA

Hey guys, did you hear Poland's joining up with phoenix to attack the US? Some guy with bad grammar and 12 subscribers said it on his newspaper so it must be true. But don't worry when they attack we will be all like.


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Hey, Poland

45 Ziua 868, 14:26 Publicat în USA USA

I heard your president don't like the USA


I'm not saying that the US is

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