Ambient pornit/oprit


7 Ziua 878, 14:39 Publicat în USA USA

Frickin' Sharks with Frickin' Laser Beams Attached to Their Frickin' Heads

They are coming.

If this get's to the top 5 citește în continuare »

AAP Getting PTO'd

12 Ziua 877, 16:17 Publicat în USA USA

I woke up this morning, and I felt my Rebuklikey senses tingling

I got on my computer, and went to my favorite IRC channel , #SEES

And I see in the topic "Move to AAP, vote for emerick"

And I'm like f**k yeah.

Emerick's winning

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12 Ziua 876, 15:59 Publicat în USA USA

Remember those times

When Americans respected there country? When patriots where cool and the US was doing really well.

Well eAmerica, if we want to not be skull f**ked by the rest of the world we need to stop doubting everything and be

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Boring contest winner.

13 Ziua 876, 14:11 Publicat în USA USA

Joe Newton won with vote #297.

Sub for future contests! … citește în continuare »

PSA: House scam identified

7 Ziua 874, 18:45 Publicat în USA USA

Hey guys, my friend Kronimo was recently screwed out of 5 gold by a housing scam.

So to stop future scams from them I am making this PSA

Don't buy houses from [url=http://www.

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