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Summary of many major battles throughout the eWorld.

eRep in Maps Day 1,228

5 Ziua 1,228, 00:51 Publicat în USA USA

Edit: China/Japan/North Korea agree to peace.

Date: April 1, 2011
Time: … citește în continuare »

eRep in Maps Day 1,227

14 Ziua 1,227, 00:34 Publicat în USA USA

Date: March 31, 2011
Time: 12:27AM PST

Nothing much to say today, so let's get down to business. As always, we begin in Poland.

[img][/img] … citește în continuare »

eRep in Maps Day 1,226

14 Ziua 1,226, 01:27 Publicat în USA USA

Date: March 30, 2011
Time: 12:20AM PST

BREAKING NEWS:Poland has attacked Oaxaca, USA. Saw it after publishing. Damn people sure love to attack in the middle of my writing...

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eRep without Maps Day 1,225

9 Ziua 1,225, 02:15 Publicat în USA USA

Date: March 29, 2011
Time: 12:02AM PST

A quick note: I wrote this article once, and accidentally hit delete, and had to wait an hour to publish a new one. Luckily had it on notepad, or I'd have smashed my laptop in nerdrage.


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eRep in Maps Day 1,224

16 Ziua 1,224, 02:49 Publicat în USA USA

Date: March 28, 2011
Time: 02:20AM PST

BREAKING NEWS: Serbia has attacked Northwest Croatia, Croatia. Another battle begins in the midst of my writing. Maybe I shouldn't be up so

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