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Viado Celtru for Senate

11 Ziua 882, 00:27 Publicat în Australia Australia

I'm going to try and keep this short. I would like you to vote for me for the Senate in the Northern Territory. Why? I am currently the CO of Delta Squad in the Australian Army Reserves, I am an Instructor in Boot Camp, I am currently an Intern in

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4 Ziua 854, 01:04 Publicat în Australia Australia

I hadn't planned on writing another article until after the Senate elections but other events have occurred that makes this a necessity. As you can probably gather from the title this article will be about EDEN.

There have been many articles

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Upcoming Senate Elections

3 Ziua 847, 04:14 Publicat în Australia Australia

Hey there again eAustralia. Just want to quickly mention the Senate elections coming up on the 25th of March. This isn't just an article asking for support, it is also an article asking people to think before they vote.

Not long before we

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South Africa II

2 Ziua 841, 17:09 Publicat în Australia Australia

Hello again eAustralia, and welcome to all the eSouth Africans, Sol and EDEN soldiers. There is just something I need to get out of my system before I get started.

I dislike PTO's as much as the next person, but as long as they are done by

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South Africa

2 Ziua 837, 17:48 Publicat în Australia Australia

Well it looks like we could be fighting eBrazil again after the PTO of eSouth Africa. Without the eSouth African congress impeaching their new President, there isn't much we can do except strike first. That or build a massive wall in WA.


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