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Viado for Northern Territory Senator

11 Ziua 910, 09:03 Publicat în Australia Australia

Hello again eAustralia. I have a favour to ask you. The Senate election is coming up, and I would like to ask for the opportunity to serve in the Senate again.

Over the last month and a half I have been part of the Department of Public Relations

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Join Boot Camp, Third Time Lucky

8 Ziua 905, 00:34 Publicat în Australia Australia

Ok third time lucky. Good news is that the forums are finally working properly. Only took the registry company about 5 days to sort out.

Come sign up for Boot Camp [url=http://

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Come Join Boot Camp. We Have Cookies

13 Ziua 903, 05:43 Publicat în Australia Australia

I'll try this again after the really bad timing of our forums breaking.

Come sign up for Boot Camp here, you get to meet great people and

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Boot Camp, The Pay Is Low But The Work Is Hard

20 Ziua 899, 00:34 Publicat în Australia Australia

But seriously come sign up for Boot Camp here, you get to meet great people and you will learn a lot.

The requirements aren't hard to meet, … citește în continuare »

Calling All Future Australian Field Marshals

10 Ziua 894, 21:36 Publicat în Australia Australia

Are you new to eAustralia?

Are you lost and don't understand what is going on?

Do you want a future in the eAustralian military?

Come sign up to Boot Camp on the eAustralian forums.

Boot Camp

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