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Special Interveiws Part 1: eAustralia March 2009 Election Coverage

8 Ziua 465, 22:41 Publicat în Australia Australia

All citizens were asked the same questions. Each question is posted followed by each citizens answer. Each question and each answer has been posted the same way as each citizen answered and saw the question when being interviewed.

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Senate Vote, Vote, Vote

3 Ziua 463, 16:41 Publicat în Australia Australia

Every time elections come, we have presentations, in which candidates give you their own plans in how they will run the country. My plans are that of my fellow citizens and those who elect me as a delegate. If elected I will bring forth to you, the

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Aussie Enterprises: Objectives, Goals and Future Assets

11 Ziua 447, 08:21 Publicat în Australia Australia

Over a period of three days we have received mail from company managersabout our low prices. Aussie Enterprises for those who do not know is a branchand child company of the late Onyx Productions Inc of Canada. Our corporations have always worked

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Tomorrows Australian Presidential Elections

4 Ziua 442, 20:43 Publicat în Australia Australia

Tomorrows Elections are nearly three hours away, and we only have two candidates. Cottus Arci supported by the Australian Democratic Socialist Party and calibur supported by the Australian National Party. Both Candidates are strong candidates both

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Clean Start, and Dirty Politics

10 Ziua 425, 20:39 Publicat în Australia Australia

Good Day my fellow Citizens of Australia, for those who do not know me, my name is Tantis and I am a former Prime Minister of Canada, and someone who's had a good share of politics. I moved to Australia one to start new, second to help my dear

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