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A New Beginning

14 Ziua 513, 21:33 Publicat în Canada Canada

Good evening Ladies and Gents. After taken a three and half month journey away from Canada and living in Australia, trying to learn who I am and what I need to do to better myself. Every day I learn something new, but being here for four days in

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A Failing Government, A New Senate Is this The End of the Dark Times

41 Ziua 490, 18:26 Publicat în Australia Australia

Now many may wonder why choose the certain wording for a article title. One its catchy, second its the truth third, well there is no third but hey we usually have a third anyway.

Instead of making a series of articles I will make one super giant

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Tantis for ANP - Party Preisdent

7 Ziua 480, 00:11 Publicat în Australia Australia

Good morning Australia. Tomorrow polls open to all party members to vote for your next Party President. Members of ANP we are one of the most active parties in Australia today, second to ADSP. We hold few seats in the senate this month just do to a

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A Late Endorsement

2 Ziua 471, 20:28 Publicat în Australia Australia

So we have seen the best of two candidates but have we seen it all? Have we read it all? Maybe we will never know but I can tell you that we will see starting tomorrow if we have made the right choice in choosing a Prime Minister. Australia, we are

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Special Interveiws Part 2: eAustralia March 2009 Election Coverage

15 Ziua 466, 20:23 Publicat în Australia Australia

Both candidates were asked the same questions. Each question is posted followed by each candidates answer. Each question and each answer has been posted the same way as each candidate answered and saw the question when being interviewed.

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