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The Men of the Hour

2 Ziua 263, 00:20 Publicat în Canada Canada

During the last three days, most of the article seem to be on two main topics. One being Victors Regime in Ireland and Canada's position on it. The second is about Norsefire and its next Party President. Since I have joined ERepublik and Canada in

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The Future of Canadian Politics and the Future of Canada

11 Ziua 260, 12:03 Publicat în Canada Canada

Over the few months that I have been part of this great community I have learned to coup with what I was given and what I have, and befriending some the greatest politicians and citizens that Canada has to offer, I am glad to be part of this great

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Aug 01, 2008 General Elections Coverage 21:25

0 Ziua 255, 21:30 Publicat în Canada Canada

Aug 01, 2008 General Elections Coverage
As Of 21:25 ERepublik Time

Candidates Votes

Adam Sutler

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Congratulations to all Candidates

0 Ziua 244, 05:33 Publicat în Canada Canada

Id like to congratulate all candidates win or lose in these local elections. Glad to see the CPP up and kicking grabbing two regions, and congratulations to joker, for picking up that many votes, in Halifax you were the card that everyone decided to

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Vote Tantis as Whitehorse Mayor

6 Ziua 239, 00:10 Publicat în Canada Canada

So on July 7th I was given the opportunity to be Mayor of Whitehorse and take over after the very inactive Lia. I accepted of course and in 4 days the Citizens will vote for who they think will make a good Mayor. And what better than having a member

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