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A Great Election but We will never Fall

4 Ziua 286, 20:12 Publicat în Canada Canada

The elections are going well although personally I'd like to see more citizens vote as it seems Norsefire is putting up more votes for congress than Country President id like to talk more about our plans in congress.

Our main focus will be

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My Return and Apologies

10 Ziua 283, 20:18 Publicat în Canada Canada

Well I have returned. So I was supposed to move and didn't and then we moved anyway. But close by. Then Last week we had a unwanted guest hit our borders, when fay hit on the 19, when she hit the are that I live winds were as high as 95 mph. I am

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Norsefires Economic Policies

10 Ziua 269, 13:55 Publicat în Canada Canada

A solution to our Problem

During the next few weeks until General Elections, we will announce our policies in a series of articles, in which the citizens will comment their opinions and we will amend our policies.

The Economic Issue in which

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5 days of Inactivity? Maybe not.

3 Ziua 264, 18:37 Publicat în Canada Canada

My mom got promoted and we have to move. So between August 12th and August 17th my friend will be logging in to make sure that my citizen has food and the company is doing well, he has logged onto me before so he knows how everything works. The

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Today we face many enemies of freedom, liberty, and sovereignty

6 Ziua 263, 21:08 Publicat în Canada Canada

Uknown Today we face many enemies of freedom, liberty, and sovereignty

Many Canadian warriors gave their blood to Canadian Freedom so that we could rest in our homes safe from tyranny, oppression, poverty, and many of the things that other

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