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Glad you are back.

5 Ziua 843, 10:53 Publicat în USA USA

Things in game do get boring. As much as it frustrates me to admit it, I am glad Emerick is back.

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Admitting you have a problem.

15 Ziua 831, 00:26 Publicat în USA USA

Dear Colin Lantrip,

We are your friends, we are here for you. You need to stop all the drinking and smoking. All this political partying has gone on too long.


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3rd time is the charm.

4 Ziua 825, 13:09 Publicat în USA USA

Hi there. My name is Sleeve. You may or may not know me. I'm your run of the mill AAP Party member, two-time Congressman, Former Seal Lt, Newspaper writing, information absorbing eRep player. I am once again running for Congress in the great

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Election Public Service Announcement.

17 Ziua 824, 23:24 Publicat în USA USA

But it can matter!

A Congressional Election is upon us once again. In this time of worrying about … citește în continuare »

Introducing the #27 Club!

4 Ziua 823, 19:36 Publicat în USA USA

Dear France,

I miss you.

When will you return my phone calls and text messages? Its time we got you back and spent some quality time. Remember when you left PEACE? Good times. Sorry about our fight. Sad that things ended the way they did,

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