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eRep Squares: Sleeve Edition! [Aus]

16 Ziua 859, 13:58 Publicat în Australia Australia

Thing the First.
In an effort to broaden my readership, my horizons, meet new people, and for fun: I am now officially circulating my newspaper within the Brewlliance

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Dear Ireland.

27 Ziua 857, 20:31 Publicat în Ireland Ireland

Dear Ireland,

I wanted to write you all with congratulations and support. I heard you have recently become AWESOME. Not your usual awesome but the best … citește în continuare »

My Last Run For Congress

16 Ziua 850, 22:05 Publicat în USA USA

This is my Fourth and final attempt at running in UTAH. Three terms completed successfully. All the overly elaborate political opinion and stances on issues you can find in my past [url=

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Election Public Service Announcement. Pt. 2

2 Ziua 850, 09:45 Publicat în USA USA

I know its not avatars, but closely fitted the topic and was close enough to my normal MO
A Congressional Election is upon us once again. In this time of worrying … citește în continuare »

eRep Squares: Awesome Avatar Edition!

9 Ziua 845, 22:46 Publicat în USA USA

Your citizen avatar is your face in eRep. It is how people see you, and often it effects how people treat you. Some people choose a character and stick with it, some people choose a border or theme from an organization they belong to. The US Army

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