[Upd1] What you should know: Terra and Chile. Bulgaria and Eden. War in Sweden

Day 1,581, 19:06 Published in Germany Germany by KTTRS

This time another article from my "what you should know series", dealing with developements in Foreign-Affairs.

Terra and Chile:

Well it seems like Terra is in a crisis right now. The expulsion from chile from our alliance was explained with Chile not telling the alliance their true intentions behind their war with New Zealand (which was to block Argentina).
Nearly all Terra Country-Presidents voted for the expulsion of Chile from our Alliance. I have asked our President for the reasons of his decision under his last article.
Only Russia voted against Chile's expulsion and only Russia (as far as I know) has also publicly explained their decision in this article. While the Russians respected the vote, they also stated how dissapointed they were with the result. One of the main-points in the article was, that Chile was actually a member of Terra, while Argentina was not.

log from Blank's article

Well that all this should change soon, and was maybe only part of a bigger plan, is something stated in the article from Blank Keating. Apparently the expulsion of Chile from Terra, already opened secret-plans between US-President Oblige and Argentian CP Clorofila, to get Argentina back into Terra and support them in a direct war against Chile.

In conclusion this would mean: It is not ok for Chile, to block a proTerra nation (Arg), but it would be ok for Argentina to attack a proTerra nation (Chile). Having these double standards is not only completely unfair, it is also completely oppositional to what should be the values of our alliance, or any alliance in general.

Chile should of course get punished in some way. But just betraying them for Argentina can't be something we want.

Update1: There is an article from the Argentinean CP, that states, that he/she (no clue😁) was not involved in the talks with oblige, but that someone faked her/his nick. Clorofila also claims, that the article and the log are nothing but "a clear political hack job"

However the log itself is real and the oblige in the logs, is the real US-CP-oblige. According to comments, oblige already confessed, that it was really him in these logs.

Bulgaria and Eden:

This part is right now outdated, Bulgaria has left Eden meanwhile: http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/-mofa-bulgaria-leaves-eden-1990931/1/20

I discussed most of this in one of my last articles. But the basic problem was, that Bulgaria didn't want Turkey to join Eden without proving its worth to the alliance, which in preciser terms meant: Giving Iranian regions to Bulgaria which Turkey itself didn't need.
Well nothing of this happened, in the meantime, Turkey and Bulgaria where both expelled from Eden for some time. But ultimately everything returned to the old status with Turkey as trial and Bulgaria as fullmember.

After another troublesome Eden Meeting, concerning the membership of Turkey was held yesterday, a vote followed. Right after that meeting 50% of the Eden countries had'nt cast their vote.

So to force a decision, Bulgaria started, as some kind of warning shot, another Natural Enemy proposal against Turkey and also managed to get the Presidents of major ONE countries to propose MPPs with them:

I don't know about the exact timing of the NE and the MPPs, but it all more or less happened between the Eden meeting and the article of today announcing the result of the vote concerning Turkey's Trial Membership.

Turkey is now officially out of Eden, however Bulgaria has to vote down the ONE MPPs and the not agreed on NE to Turkey.

As a reaction to all this, Greece and Ukraine are both proposing NEs against Bulgaria. Right now the sincerity of those proposals is not visible, but they were probably influenced from the heated debate at the Eden-Meeting the day before.

Update1: Ukraine's MoFA published an article about the current situation. An especially interesting part of the article is this statement:

"Moreover, hereby eUkraine brings attention of all EDEN Member states to the fact that in case if eBulgaria would begin the war of aggression against eTurkey it would constitute direct and conscious act of violation of the Treaty of the Brotherhood of EDEN."

The before mentioned NE against Bulgaria from Ukraine will according to the article probably voted down and was only "provoked by actions of eBulgarian CP who put on vote the law on NE against Turkey."

The Swedish War:

Sweden is right now attacked from two sides, from Ireland and Russia. To understand how all this could happen we have to start with Germany. Right now Germany is in a union with Denmark and thus also owns the Danish regions. For Ireland to reach Sweden, they had to go through our regions. Without asking our congress, our government decided to let Ireland pass. I again have asked our President for his reasons to let Ireland attack Sweden through our regions, though we have/had good relations with them for some time now, under his last article.

With Ireland having a Swedish border, things would have been clear. There would have been war between Ireland and Sweden and that's it. But how did Russia come into all of this?

Well it begann with a NE proposal from Grubb against Russia, who was actually paid from Ireland to start the NE proposal. As a result, Russia started a counter proposal, which could have been easily stopped. After Sweden voted down her own NE-proposal, Russia was actuallybound by a treaty to ask Norway for permission to attack. But the surprising thing was, that the Norwegian President agreed to a Russian attack.

This agreement effectively ruined the diplomatic efforts between Sweden and Norway and also brings us to the current state, with Sweden being attacked by two countries. In the end, these acts of the Norwegian president, give those Swedes who supported the PTO of Norway again some really good arguments...

In other news:

Albania is now an Eden-Fullmember: Read more

ONE seems to start winning again: Today we witnessed the epic battle of Northwest of Mexiko, a RW between Croatia and Mexiko. Funfact: Flausino, the Mexican BH had 101.477.301 overall damage. The short-term goal of ONE will be the deletion of Croatia from the American continent.

To get back on their feet, Croatia tries right now to RW Pommerania back to Poland, thus getting rid of a big part of ONE troops fighting in their RWs against them.

Inci wants an official excuse form the eNL's President: Read more

That's it so far,