[MoHA] A Whole New World

Day 2,025, 03:47 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Zaphod Beeblebrox IV

Bonjour mes amis, although the “official” results haven’t been released yet, Mr. Woldy built up a healthy lead yesterday so I think it is safe to assume that he has won. Unfortunately for you that means I will be the Home Secretary for this forthcoming month. I am truly sorry. I have chosen some underminsters that are going to assist me this month.

LongShotzZ - uM of Communications/Messaging

Moriarty - uM of Entertainment

Viridi - uM of Health

Of course we still need more workers helpers, so if you are interested in donating food to teh noobs, messaging and writing informative articles, and of course keeping us entertained in times of boredom and/or congress elections then drop me a line and I’ll fit you in. There is no such thing as too many cooks spoiling the broth when the broth in question is my glorious tenure as MoHA. I know there was a lot of people who applied to be underministers and I’ll be contacting y’all soon. I’d love you all to help out even though it is not as high a position as you were hoping.

Now what should you expect to see in a Zaphod MoHA term this month?

Well activity is the major point. In the past the MoHA has been so active that we all forgot we’re wiped and foreign affairs actually matters. I am a man that has no social-life and no undermining guilt about wasting my life on an utterly futile game. Hopefully you’ll appreciate that and not get so annoyed that you end up throttling me out of annoyance.

Comms/Messaging have a big task load ahead of them this month. Keeping players informed is one of mein fuhrer’s main priorities this month, so we will need plenty of people involved in messaging the ENTIRE population every week or so, so that everyone knows just what shit is going on. I also hope to see them keep producing many informative articles this month with a target of 3-4 a week depending on how many of you want to help us out this month. There have been many little guides over the past month so if any of you feel unsure about a subject or would like more in-depth advice don’t hesitate to get in touch with either myself or LongShotzZ.

I think it is fair to say that under Moriarty we should have an eventful month of entertainment this month. It is my hope that we shall run a mixture of forum, irc and in-game based games and competitions. If you have any thing that you would like to see run please let Moriarty know.

Ah the NHS, my favourite. It does a great job supplying our new players every day. It is my aim to keep up the good work it does. I will also be in contact with Jimbobfey (the outgoing MoH) to discuss plans he had last month for reforms to the way we run, and the length of time people are eligible for donations.

So that’s all for now folks, please message me if you’d like to help out or have any ideas/suggestions you’d like to see implemented this month.

Comrade Zap
Home Secretary