The United States Today: In 2 Minutes or Less

Day 865, 21:51 Published in USA USA by Mr. Hyphenated
Publishe😛 22:00 ERT on April 3 2010 - Day 865

Military|Politics|Community|Glossary of Terms
Schrute Edition!

Military Maneuvers
Quiet day

-Croatia attacked Slovenia at Styria and Carinthia.

-The US resistance-warred Chattisgarh back to India.

-A couple of training wars not worth mentioning.

Article Round Up:
Department of Citizen Orders - DoD Orders
The Pony Express - Express Deliveries

Where to start...India PTO; Finland RW data; Treachery

-Max McFarland2 released this bombshell of an article, which has earned 677 votes in four hours. The article relays an IRC chat log of a meeting that took place between the leaders of Poland, Spain, Brazil, Bulgaria, Serbia, Hungary, Portugal, Turkey, Turkey, and Germany. In the chat-room, they discuss plans of attacking the eUS together. After speaking to several people, I can confirm the legitimacy of the transcript. It took me nearly an hour to believe it, but I do now believe the accuracy of the document. The question in my mind is now this: to what extent do the Spanish and Polish people agree with their leaders' plans?
I thought about writing a full-length article about this topic, but to be honest, I 'm too stunned and disappointed to say much. When I have something novel to say, I will.

-ChuckyNorris, Canadian President, wrotethis article, which essentially asks for cooler heads to prevail. I hope they do, Chucky. Jbdivinus, of EDEN leadership, also tries to smooth things over.

-Meanwhile, Greece shows us some love. We love you too, Greece.

-Chariman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, NXNW, released this memo trumpeting the commitment of US forces to liberating Finland. He points out that the US did the most damage out of any country in the battles, and worked closely with EDEN HQ.

-Apparently, India's longtime leader and country President announced that he is stepping down. The only problem is that he is the countries only country presidential candidate besides a PTO-er. This means that India must elect a 'dead' candidate in order to maintain national security. A PTO-ed India would also threaten our security in Karnataka. Read more about it here.

Synergy Poll Out; SEES and Feds flirt

-The latest Synergy Poll is out. Among its findings: President PigInZen currently holds a 75% approval rating, most US citizens supported withdrawing from EDEN, and two-clickers don't like me. ;_;

-The Federalist Party and SEES are in a major dispute over whom Zooey Deschanel belongs to. The Feds opened fire with this article, and SEES responded with this riposte. Get a room. 🙂

Your Moment of Zen:

If you feel that an article you wrote should be included in my semi-daily summary, feel free to PM me a link. Please note that I will try to keep my summaries as few and as brief as possible.

~Mr. –

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