Peace and Love

Day 865, 18:54 Published in USA Canada by jbdivinus
*editors note* The person who has advertised this article with the twin towers has stopped. I have now put up my own ad, Ignorance is Strength. That is the only official ad to this article, all others are trying to further the wedge that has been put in place.

Freedom...from the truth. Ignorance is Strength?

Will you listen to the loud voices of propaganda in the media, or are you interested in the TRUTH?

There is a difference between expressing negative feelings towards an ally, and in putting a knife in their back.

What we have seen is only one side of the story. It is a very telling conversation but it does not mean that our allies have become the enemy.

This sort of thinking is the true enemy.

In many countries, citizens are disappointed by the lack of involvement of the USA in the bridge to Asia
This has led to many inappropriate articles plaguing the media of the USA over the past few days. It has led to many discussions between private citizens, both in and out of the USA. Many factors have led to dissension in America, which has in itself managed to cause several international issues which have begun the destabilization of many governments, and has changed the opinions of thousands of citizens, in one way or another.

However, we need to remember something important.

Now, I'm not saying that the conversation MM2 has posted should be ignored, in fact the opposite. We need to look at it as an expression of the negativity towards America by several allied nations, not as them expressing their intent to invade.

An invasion of American soil will only serve to unite America, and will seriously impact erepublik for the remainder of its existence.

"I fear all we have done is to awaken a sleeping giant and fill him with a terrible resolve."

American patriotism runs deep. American internet access is greater than that in nearly any other country in the world. It is easy to recognize these facts, and realize their implications.

Internal pressure caused certain factions in the spanish and polish population to speak out against this publicly. You can't expect everyone to love you, and in erepublik, you CAN expect someone to hate you.

Having a meeting for the lulz to vent frustration certainly shows that some of our allies do not approve of the USA's actions. Does that mean they will actually invade?

So please, you may believe that Poland and Spain, and even EDEN as a whole are going to team up with PHOENIX to destroy the USA. You are supposed to believe it. And if you do, there are many people laughing at you.

Neither Poland nor Spain believes that becoming an enemy of the USA is smart foreign policy. We all have our own radical, extremist citizens who take pleasure in sewing chaos and confusion into the general public.

We all say things we don't mean sometimes, especially on the internet, especially when we're pissed.

When things are easy:

When things are tough

So really. Lets all watch as Max McFarland 2's article goes international. Lets laugh a bit at all the hate comments that will come up from both sides. At the end of the day, the USA stands strong, and is supported by EDEN. We can't get rid of the trolls, and we shouldn't try. We should take our enjoyment from what they give us, and learn to ignore the harm they try to inflict.

Peace and love, my friends, peace and love

That is all,
EDEN assistant Supreme Commander
Holder of more useless titles than dishmcds <3