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[BOK] Possible coalitions after the elections

15 hari ke 979, 05:33 Diterbitkan di Netherlands Netherlands

DISCLAIMER: No party has had any input for this article. It is completely based on my thoughts, knowledge and observation. It is fully an “opinion piece”, meant to be a nice read, and NOT to write off any coalition, party, or whatsoever. All baca lebih lanjut »

[BOK] PTO on YOUR Party? (RE: Communist Take Over Alert.)

7 hari ke 967, 04:46 Diterbitkan di Netherlands Netherlands

A concern has been raised that YOUR Party is being PTO’ed by Pierre Delvaux. I’d like to share my thoughts on this.

Current state
The current members … baca lebih lanjut »

[BOK] CP program summary

8 hari ke 953, 05:33 Diterbitkan di Netherlands Netherlands

Do you care about new citizens? Would you like to know what the government is doing exactly? Do you want more players to get to know? Then consider supporting me during the CP elections!

This is a short summary of my [url=

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[BOK] An open letter to GLD, and one to Konrad

4 hari ke 952, 15:59 Diterbitkan di Netherlands Netherlands

To all GLD members,

I am truly shocked by the latest published article going straight against LSD. I hope I can comment on that being from neither GLD nor LSD, and thus a bit "neutral".

There's a tone in it that is just... not GLD. I

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[BOK] Appendix: Proposed government

6 hari ke 952, 05:15 Diterbitkan di Netherlands Netherlands

In my previous article about running for CP, I have suggested a government structure. In this article, I will fill the positions and

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