Weekly Roundup 5/04/2009 - 12/04/2009

Day 509, 04:52 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by National Newspaper Association

This is the "Weekly News Round-up”, which brings you the current events both at home and abroad.

- "Weekly News Roundup” is currently being run by Apprentice of the Ministry of Home Affairs Rodney Mckay


Interview with Vyett Ynsydr (Party President for the FTP)

An interview with Vyett Ynsydr the current party president for the FTP.

Prime Minister of the eUK
Day 2 - Picking the Cabinet Team

The Prime Minister of eUK malta_1990 announces the cabinet for this term.

Prehistoric Times
Horice P Fossil
Guide to Fighting Smart

A comprehensive guide to fighting.

Interview with PatrickR (Party President for the LSD)

An interview with Patrick Reckitt the current party president for the LSD.

The Economist
Iain Keers
The Economist 9th April Edition - Conflict Zone

Iain Keers coverage of the election and recent conflicts around the eWorld.

The Empire Shall Reign
Wars and Recent History.

SaraDroz discusses the eUK’s involvement in a training war

Voice of the Polity
Steff J. Worthington
Coalition of the Willing

Encouragement for all to take part in eRep and fight for the freedom of nations.


Schrodinger's Cat

A small description of all the eRomanian armed forces and there leaders.

The German
The newcomers guide to eRepublik. Don’t Panic!

A very in-depth tutorial helping new player though there eLife.

The New Frontiersman
Alex Lawrence
Romania Charges Forward, Norway is Forced to War

A summary of the recent Romanian v PEACE battles.

eRepublik Insider
eRepubliks of Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania

The introduction of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania into eRepublik

Philippines Defense Dept
Join up to Filipino Military!

Philippine recruitment after our own e😜atriots take control to build the country up.

If you would like your article featured in this article,please PM the Association, or for a more direct answer,
Rodney McKay Apprentice of the Ministry of Home Affairs.