Issue 86: Day 2 - Picking the Cabinet Team

Day 504, 01:05 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by malta_1990

Dear fellow citizens of the United Kingdom,

Today I would like to announce my decisions regarding the cabinet for this term. The decisions were not all easy but I feel very confident that thiswith this cabinet team.

Prime Minister: malta_1990

Just to remind you, I am the Prime Minister for this term, and I always have an open ear for any suggestions and questions. Just send me a PM in game or on the forums. This is my role as democratically elected PM, and I intend to uphold it.

Minister of Defence: SparkieGeek

Sparkie has had experience in both the Reserves and the Paratroopers. He has also helped make the Military more efficient. On top of that he's highly active and dedicated to anything he does.

Minister of Foreign Affairs: Sara.Droz

Sara has done a great job as MoFA and deserves to stay on. She is absolutely trustworthy and her dedication is immeasurable.

Minister of Finance: Iain Keers

Iain has a sharp mind when it comes to economic principles and he is highly active and trustworthy, two values which are essential for this job.

Minister of Health: Azra'eil
uMoH: BFSte

Both Azra'eil and BFSte are currently NHS Directors for their respective regions and they do their job well. This term, I hope that we can work together to fully and successfully reform the NHS.

Minister of Information and Education: Oexis

Being the Minister last term, Oexis has the necessary experience for this job and he is also one of the people most easy to get on with in this game which is important for someone in charge of public relations. I hope to work with him to ease MoIE's workload by creating the MoHA, see below.

Minister of Home Affairs: Scipio The Great
uMoHA: Sir Graystar

This is a new role aimed at streamlining MoIE and working more closely with the citizens. Being the Minister for Migration & Support last term, Scipio has the necessary experience for this job as he is great at helping new citizend. As this role requires more personal contact with citizens, I am also requesting Sir Graystar as uMoHA who is well aquainted with the game.

Minister of Work: John Forseti
uMoW: Teh User & rastari

John did a good job last month. To further prevent the possibility of new citizens not being able to find jobs, the additional help of The User and rastari, means that the MoW should be all set.

Minister of Technological Advancement: wyli

Wyli worked well together with SparkieGeek last term and despite operating alone this upcoming term, I am sure that he can do it again.

Ministry of Migration and Support: Nile Frater & Patrick Reckitt

Nile Frater has proven last term of what he is capable of at MoMaS as Apprentice. He deserves to step up to this role. Due to being less active on the forums, he will co-star with Patrick Reckitt in this role. Patrick is an upstanding, experienced and dedicated citizen.

Ministry of Trade: Count Drakula

Being the Under-Minister last term, Count Drakula has the necessary experience for this job. He is a capable person, a good worker, and deserves recognition for these achevements

Applications for Under-Ministers and Apprentices will be received by the respective Ministers. Everyone wishing to apply must do so by contacting them by 8.00 am BST tomorrow.

That’s all I wanted to say for now, expect an update from me at the end of the week.
I like keeping the public informed of what is going on.

Yours sincerely
malta_1990 (Prime Minister of the United Kingdom)

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