Babyboom Survey (Prizes!!)

Day 2,408, 22:14 Published in India India by Lord Bernin

Hello eIndia,

Have you every wondered why this is all we got (I mean literally) in erepublik despite being a nation of 1.2 billion people??

There are many answers to that question including poverty, lack of internet access, very few jobless people like you and me, etc. However, that does not mean that all we can get in a game is 450 people (some of whom are not Indians in real and don't forget multis). It is a disgrace that we haven't done enough for a long time. We have had many babyboom efforts but none with enough people excited and willing to do what it takes. We have "spammed" a lot of places on the internet before but remember, spam will always be spam. We cannot get quality players in large numbers like that.

First Step:
In my opinion, a good starting point would be to see how we, the ones who stuck around found out about the game. Whatever it was, definitely worked better than some other ways we might think of trying.

Therefore, here is a short survey: CLICK HERE

PS: The 2nd question is meant for Indians currently playing eRepublik with a non-Indian citizenship. If you are neither an Indian, nor an e-Indian, feel free to fill out the survey but you won't be eligible for the rewards. However, your input will help us a lot. I would be happy to share responses to "How did you first hear about the game?" and the description questions with any country that would be interested.

Why should you fill the survey? (Prizes, of course!)
(Sponsors: Lord Bernin ,Real Steel 4 )

The success of the survey directly depends on the number of responses received (I will check for genuine ones), thus the prizes depend on that too.

Everyone is rewarded as follows:
1) < 10 responses: 1 Q7 weapon and 5 Q5 food
2) <20 responses: 2 Q7 weapon and 10 Q5 food
3) 0 responses: 3 Q7 weapon and 15 Q5 food
and so on...
The maximum reward depends on the sponsorship amount, but for now lets say 10 Q7 weapons and 50 Q5 food for 100 or more responses is the cap.

Jackpot: One person will get 5g as a reward on the condition that they publish an article sharing their first few days in eRepublik and the challenges they faced.

So, if you share the survey with more people, you get back more. Shout it, message your not so active friends, or anything else you like as long as the replies I get are genuine.

Hoping for the best! Let's make eIndia great. This is how I look at us.

Jai Hind!!

Hamesha aapka,
Lord Bernin