So, it began like that?

Day 2,409, 09:33 Published in India Croatia by Vijayakrishna
This is purely for 5gold on offer here

Before going further I have to warn that I am not responsible if you end up laughing or being relieved of ur worries for a second.

How did I get into this boring game?
Well some X(do not remember who) invited me from some other browser game, he got banned when I got back so removed him from friend list. There is no chance we can find who it was unless admins helps out, so DO NOT ASK *WHO INVITED YOU* 😛

As I left the game for nearly 2 years I do not consider it as my early days but yeah if u ask em why I left, I would say I found this as not so engaging and I had little time for this back then. Considering this I would like to consider Feb, 2014 as my real eBirthday.

Now let's move on to my experience on second coming.

I believe it was master plan of Plato, I received a mail from him saying eIndia is wiped and my Patriotic spirit raised to the level of RS4321 and Sher Singh's combined 😛, I clicked the link in email and ended up here.

Moral of the storyKids, never open emails from strangers, specially from PLATO uncle 😛

Day 1, I was wandering here and there without a direction, then I saw this name on chat *Asmitatheone*

*Could it be real?* *Is that really a woman?*

I immeadiatly went n trimmed my beard to maintain a neat look and then I cautiously typed

*Hi* and waited for reply...

I was expecting her to reply, eagerly...
I waited, waited and waited...

Meanwhile my beard grew length, I lost hope, about to close the game forever....

Then like the first ray of the day came hope for me, she replied *Hi*....

*Could you please help me?*

*Yes please, I am here to help* (she was really feeling like a mother 😛)

Then I asked her some noob questions, do not even remember if I said bye but do remember that she advised me to be patient, log in daily, interact with people and all.

I am really thankful to her, she guided me to most basic things, I believe I have spent more time waiting that talking to her, typical woman behavior(she is busy I know, I know 😑)

Though I knew the basics, I did not think I will last long, I knew nothing, not even leveling up stuff, it is not enough to know basics, we had not much media activity back then, even now it is low, you do not even know who is there and what they are...

Then another person helped me, the one whose name itself means *life*, Ayush he would talk to me until I ran out of all questions, provided me irc link, gave me the guides for newbies he made.

They were so useful, I even joined Nirvana just because of him.
I felt like a gully cricket being guided by Sachin/Sourav/Dravid/any of other grts 😛

Gradually, Nirvana merged with IAF and he left eIndia, then I started finding my feet with help of Lysander, he gifted me 2 g for starting a newspaper and

I became captain of THE TIGERS, regiment 5 IAF.

From then, I did not have to look back,

Thanks to you all, I must have forgotten to name many who helped me, my apologies for that