My impression and mistakes of eRepublik

Day 2,411, 00:16 Published in India Iran by AsiwtAbiR

One night, I was sitting bored in my room after exams. League of Legends was under maintenance and I wanted to kill some time. My friend suggested me to play eRepublic, so I registered and became a citizen of India.
Journey begins
My first impression was that this was a cool, casual nation building game. I used to play CN and I assumed this game might be like that. Well, it’s a lot different than CN.

I saw the “tutorials”/”missions” on the left side of the screen and started following it. The game seemed pretty simple. Just work, train, collect daily rewards, fight, collect another reward and so on… I was enjoying completing the missions and was level 20 in 10 mins . Playing facebook games, I knew I must not spend the gold. lol… Any game that has 2 currency and if one is earned by doing difficult stuff, it must be an important asset, that is what I feel . Then there were 3 new missions. Become an adult, Work 2 days in a row and Buy a weapons factory. I didn’t want to spend gold so I didn’t buy the weapons factory… hee hee … I read some guides and completed the “work 2 days in a row mission” the next day.

Now after level 20, I was getting a bit bored. No more new mission. Only “become an adult” and “Kill 5 plato thugs thingy” missions. Having read some guides, I realized this was not a game where quests will be given all the time . Anyway, to complete the “become an adult” mission, I needed to have 50 strength and that would have taken me weeks… So I started fighting in wars. While fighting, I learned that after 5 fights, I can fight a player 1v1!! That was fun!

I think maybe about a week later, there was a 45% discount for industry and training center upgrades. I don’t know whose guides I read, but I remembered that you should spend early golds in training center upgrades! I had 20 gold with me, so I upgraded my training center to level 2 which cost me 11gold… yay!! Now, don’t judge me, but I became very greedy… hee hee … There was an ad for starter pack with 39 gold for 4 euros. That was like 450 Rs so I bought it!!! I upgraded my training center to level 3 with this “investment” 😉 .

Anyways, after 10 days of playing, I was level 22 with resistance fighter and true patriot medals. Did I mention that I also upgraded my food factory to level 2? I began to enjoy this game, spending around 5-15 mins daily in it. After my exams were over, I had lots of free time . I then felt that fighting and working is so monotonous… Around this time, someone started a resistance war in North-East and as a resident of that region, I was excited and started fighting in earnest. I think I requested my military group to fight in the war (in comments) but I was told that it was pointless . Something to do with how strong China is and how this was waste of resource. Someone else mentioned the political scenario and I was intrigued. I never viewed this game in politics perspective before. This opened a whole new scope of the game for me! (not really interested in politics yet, but I am getting there )

OK. So recently, this World Cup contest has started. I fought all wars in earnest trying to get the true patriot and the necessary PP. BUT….. my energy depletes in 10 moves if I fight without weapons. If I buy weapons, my cash depletes faster! I went to the IRC and the helpful bunch gave me great advice . So from now on, wars in moderation, and focus on gaining strength. BUT AGAIN, this makes the game boring!! So I was suggested to open a newspaper. I was like, “ I am a noob and what news can I give to other veteran players?”. I was informed that I can write ANYTHING in my newspaper! I was like “a magazine? A blog?? Now this is going to be fun!!”…. I used to read many novels when I was in school like harry potter, song of ice n fire, Sidney Sheldon (hee hee) etc and also used to write short stories (time pass). Oh, and also the history paper in board exam! I used to write 1 full page for 1 question!! Hee hee… more marks!!! This was a good opportunity to improve my writing skills which might come in handy in the future…. So I started this paper “ The Orchids “….

My mistakes
Now a list of my mistakes (which I feel I did)

1. I upgraded my food farm to level 2. I was happy at first, but from the 2nd day, I don’t have enough raw materials to produce food. I have to buy from market to make food, which was counter-productive, because my cash was low with all the fighting I did.
2. The fighting. Buying food for energy, buying weapons, my cash was spent so fast. Yesterday, I had only 3INR
3. Oh the fighting! XP was gained so fast, that I am level 23 with only 280 strength. I am told this is a BAD thing!

What else? I guess this is the list of mistake that I realized. Everyone is welcome to point out other mistakes I might have made, but please be positive.

Ah well, I guess this is all that I had to say. Will edit this in the future if something else comes up in mind. I normally spend around 5 mins for this game, unless I am writing an article like this . I hope this much is enough
I am wondering what future articles should I write. If you fellas have any suggestion/topic, please comment it below.

That’s all from me now. Ciao.

p.s. the idea to write this article came from Lord Bernin’s babyboom survey contest. Yep… that 5g reward made me do this… hee hee

p.p.s. spent a long time writing 'n decorating this article. votes n subscribe.... pretty please...