ფონის ჩართვა/გამორთვა

South Korea Dragons – The Creation

19 დღე 1,106, 06:00 გამოქვეყნდა South Korea-ში South Korea

South Korea Dragons – The Creation

As proven in the last few battles, the korean army is pratically inexistent. There are people fighting, there is wish for glory, there are state controlled companies, but there is no organized military force

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Free bread for Korean fighters!

47 დღე 1,103, 03:11 გამოქვეყნდა South Korea-ში South Korea

Hail South Koreans!

We have a war going on, a TW, but still a war

The battle for Jeju is here - http://www.erepublik.com/en/military/battlefield/2327


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Vote KIP Party! The best for South Korea!

8 დღე 1,100, 13:51 გამოქვეყნდა South Korea-ში South Korea


I am Clopoyaur, president of the Korean Independent Party and I am here to present our candidates for this month Congress Elections.


Bogdan Sabo[/

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Japan shall NOT PASS

12 დღე 1,089, 11:30 გამოქვეყნდა South Korea-ში South Korea

Japan shall NOT PASS!

Jeju belongs to South Korea!

Congratulations to all
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More money for the people, new tax system proposal

13 დღე 1,087, 02:11 გამოქვეყნდა South Korea-ში South Korea

Hello Koreans,

As presindent of the Korean Independence Party and congressman of Chungcheongnam-do I come

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