Country Pres, Top 5, Party Pres, Congress, PEACE, MM, Idol

Day 718, 04:09 Published in USA USA by citizenslave

President Josh Frost
International Country Presidential Results
Federalist Party Reaches Top 5
Federalist Party President Primary
Federalist Party Congressional Strategy
PEACE Never Learns
Monetary Market Trading
eMerican Idol
Also in the News
Federalist Party Literature

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President Josh Frost

Following a contentious campaign and a blitz of advertisments, Josh Frost has been elected to the presidency with a clear majority of the total votes. Not even skipping a beat, President Frost has announced a diverse and experienced cabinet sure to lead the eUS to continuing success over the course of the next month.

Despite a heavy preference for Jewitt in the Federalist Party Primary and the party's involvement in the Jewitt/PigInZen campaign, I would like to personally congratulate Josh Frost on his victory in the election on behalf of the entire Federalist Party.

Josh Frost has been serving the eUS for a very long time, most recently before his ascent to the presidency as the leader of the Seal Team 6 militia. The Seal Team 6 militia has provided a means for many players, some of them Federalist Party members, to become involved in organized military action before they reach the minimum strength requirements for the regular eUS military. The militia was also instrumental in the counter attack against PEACE member and Russian MPP ally, the so-called United Netherlands. In this daring raid, allied citizens liberated native Belgian territory and successfully installed a friendly government in the newly freed nation.

The Federalist Party says, "Go ST6, and go Josh Frost!"

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International Country Presidential Results

In international elections, the Party President of the Partia Imperialna and long time friend of the Federalist Party, Bart Webovsky, was elected to the presidency of ePoland. Congratulations and the best of luck as the Hungarian war machine sits at the border of your great nation! In eJapan, the new president, Dokomo allegedly found quite a shock when prior to assuming office the accounts of the military were cleaned out. In even worse news, eNorth Korea's election was lost to a Russian candidate. While congress is firmly in allied control and an impeachment vote will certainly pass, the damage which could be done before that can be carried out has eNorth Korea on edge!

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Federalist Party Reaches Top 5

Following October's Federalist Party President elections and a smooth congressional election in which few Federalist elections were contested thanks to the use of blockers, the Federalist Party continued its rapid growth at an even greater pace, to eventually break into the top 5 ranked eUS parties with 380 members, up from approximately 330 before the PP election on October 15th. Thanks to the tireless efforts of the Federalist Party mentors and the Federalist Training Division to reach out to new players and and bring them into the fold of the Federalist community, and the creativity and dedication of the rest of the Federalist Party's staff to retain these members and help them become as active as they'd like to be, the party has continued its rapid growth and is now the home of over 460 patriotic eUS citizens. This historic occasion marks the first time there has been a change in the parties composing the eUS top 5 in months.

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Federalist Party President Primary

True to established Federalist Party traditions and accepted processes, the Federalist Party is currently holding its Party Presidential Primary under the supervision of the Federalist Party Political Director, CrashNBurn. So far, St Krems and this author have accepted nominations to the primary, which will close on the 10th. All Federalist Party members should submit their nominations and their votes before the 10th!

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Federalist Party Congressional Strategy

A previous article discussed the usefulness of blocking candidates to reduce partisanship in elections. Now that the Federalist Party has reached the top 5 eUS parties, it is more important than ever that blocking candidates and extensive outreach to smaller parties can supply enough reliable candidates to show not only that the Federalist Party can responsibly protect congress from any candidates explicitly hostile to eUS interests, but also restrain its ambitions and cooperate constructively with other eUS parties to ensure that the most active, interested, patriotic and knowledgable eUS citizens are elected to congress in a friendly contest that everyone can wake up the day after and go back to bringing the fight to PEACE.

In this spirit, a number of threads have been established on the Federalist Party forums for party members and non party members to apply for congressional endorsements.

Perhaps the most important and most numerous of these endorsements will go to blocking candidates. These candidates will enter the race under the Federalist Party banner or the banner of another party with the intention of pushing votes to other candidates. Blocking candidates do not need to be experienced and should not expect to serve in congress. Any candidates who are selected as blockers are being entrusted by the parties endorsing them not to campaign and not to mobilize votes for themselves.

The Federalist Party spent many months outside the glow of the top 5. During this period in the party's history, we relied heavily on the good will and generosity of the top 5 parties to offer endorsements to our candidates so they would appear on the ballot. In recognition of the important contributions that all eUS parties make to the national dialogue, the Federalist Party is proud to extend a welcome to candidates from all eUS parties of any size to apply for a Federalist Congressional Endorsement. Should an endorsement application be accepted by the Congressional Committee, the Federalist Party will endorse a candidate or blocker at the discretion of the sponsoring party.

Finally, the Federalist Party's growth, congressional resignations, and the return of eUS regions warrants an expansion of the Federalist Party's congressional delegation from its very respectable count of five. While the Federalist Party will certainly seek to elect its own congressmen to a greater number of regional seats this month, the party's population is no where near sufficient to claim all of them! Therefore any Federalist Party member who would like to run for congress MUST apply here. Any candidate registered to run for congress in game who has not applied and been selected by the congressional committee will be unlikely to appear on the ballot as the Party President WILL endorse a blocker or another party's candidate if they are available.

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PEACE Never Learns

Since being uncerimoniously expelled from North America, PEACE has gone on to lose Western Australia as well as a number of Indian regions. In response to these embarrassments, PEACE has launched an offensive on Croatia which was easily defeated, leaving Hungary to simultaneously attack all of Slovakia, a neutral nation which had done nothing to offend their conquerors.

In response to these depredations and the wreckless invasion of North America, allied militaries and a loose coalition of allied militias have been taking the fight to PEACE in Iran and the United Netherlands. Both of these countries had been instrumental in the invasion and occupation of North America and both gain significant strength from the occupation of regions subject to resistance wars. In the case of Iran, these regions had been forcibly conquered and even PEACE can't come up with a convincing reason why they shouldn't have been liberated to their original Chinese and Indian owners, but in the case of the Belgian regions under occupation by the United Netherlands, PEACE propagandists are doing their best to obscure the relevant facts and spin irrelevant facts as if they reflect poorly on the heroic actions of allied soldiers.

PEACE propagandists have focused a great deal of attention on the consensual merger of Belgium with the Netherlands which resulted in the creation of the United Netherlands. By this telling, the peaceful nature of Belgium's absorbtion into the Netherlands leaves the allies with no justification for liberating Belgian regions and then sending in their own political candidates to form a government friendly to allied interests. They go on to try to sell this allied victory as a "return to imperialism" by allied nations. What these oppressive masters who have ordered the conquest of countless nations neglect to mention is that the United Netherlands is a member of the PEACE alliance and an active MPP with the eRussian front still occupying native eUS territory in Alaska.

Belgium may have been part of the United Netherlands, but the United Netherlands was part of PEACE, and they participated in an invasion of the eUS homeland. Attacking and occupying your enemy to deny him the use of his resources is not imperialism. If the United Netherlands didn't want war, there were options open to them short of losing Belgium.

As ePoland is in the process of returning eSlovakia from the eHungarians, one thing is clear.

PEACE never learns...

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Monetary Market Trading

With local eUS businesses suffering from lack of sufficient demand to sustain their workers and many new players holding insufficient gold to start companies of their own, earning extra gold is especially challenging in the current economic climate. Short a few lucky investments, the best way to earn extra gold without a profitable company is by trading currencies on the monetary market. The Better Business Bureau hosted a currency arbitrage seminar before the breakout of WW3, but a new article has recently been published which is also very good at explaining this process.

Following modifications to the monetary market, a special technique of posting currency sale offers is required to ensure the timely sale of currency. By layering a number of offers selling 0.01 currency for 1000g/1currency or more, an offer will be created which can then be modified to match market prices while still being sorted by the original creation timestamp. In this way, currency offers can jump to the front of the line once the currency is available to sell and the offer is old enough that it sorts to the top of the listings. In order to maintain liquid trading, sets of 3-5 offers posted daily will allow quick access to the top of the list every day, and backup offers to modify into place if more currency is available after one offer sells out.

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eMerican Idol

Following an announcement in the Federalist M&M Update, the eMerican Idol singing competition has only received one entry. Surely amongst the 1000s of players in the eUS and eCanada, there is more than one talented singer willing to wow the Brolliance community with their epic voice, or their epic fail!

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Also in the News

Federalist Party Newsletter, d. 718
Women of eRepublik Series - Bia Pandora
Seal Team 6 Raffle - ST6 News
Slovakia Conquest - Hoyle
A Final Word - WahooBob
MI - In Transit - MI Battle Cry
Death of Small Countries - Woxan
Military Guide - PigInZen
Semper Fi, Marines! - sukoidha
Resignation of Army XO - Jameson L. Tai

Follow DoD Orders!

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Federalist Party Literature

Zombie Endorsement - Captain Panther
Federalist Party Presidential Primary Process, Explained - CrashNBurn
Federalist Outreach Program Precinct Captains - citizenslave
Federalism at the National Level - citizenslave
Federalism at the Party Level - citizenslave
Partisanship, Blockers, and Democracy - citizenslave
Focus on Education: The Federalist Training Division - citizenslave