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星河新報-Galaxy News---Part of Singho Inc.

Free Q5 house's' lucky draw

100 Hari ke 941, 06:46 Diterbitkan di China China

Free Q5 house"s" lucky draw

V+S, then reply with vote and sub number, then you can join the lucky draw
i will use a random number generator to generate a number between 0-1, then mlutiple the number with sub or/and vote number, then

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ZXW 9.1 - explaination to ZXW 9

1 Hari ke 927, 06:41 Diterbitkan di China China

Just want to say that ZXW 9 is just a footprint of my 100th day to erep, and just adding some real world event tio show the contrast between them....

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ZXW 8.1 - 真新聞第8.1期 - rename the newspaper - 報紙改名

4 Hari ke 918, 09:42 Diterbitkan di China China

In upcoming days, this newspaper will be rename as one of the following name:

English name: Chinese name:
Real News 真新聞
c9 Post 師奶報
Truth Post 真相報
some famous newspaper's

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真新聞第八期 - 網速對決得獎名單

11 Hari ke 913, 00:00 Diterbitkan di China China

上傳最快的有安慰獎(1Q1 食品):
FORWALK [img][/[/img]

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ZXW 7.3 - food and job market (renew^2)

0 Hari ke 899, 21:22 Diterbitkan di China China

It is very sorry that due to the unstable network connection, most part of pevious article are being eat by the network. (or headless chicken?) Now this is the full content with updated info.
======================================== =======

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