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10 Hari ke 2,534, 03:55 Diterbitkan di China China Interaksi sosial dan hiburan Interaksi sosial dan hiburan

Eveyone knows that in a race between a snail and Plato, the snail would win,
and yet today eveyone is ...

Guys and gals, the chinese guy who's
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Silver Stake Revealed

111 Hari ke 2,534, 00:58 Diterbitkan di China China Interaksi sosial dan hiburan Interaksi sosial dan hiburan

Today's question:

What ze heck is a Silver Stake?

It's a *Personal Bondy Massager*, you uncultured swine.
Now shove it up your beep.

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Plato's Compensation(s)

67 Hari ke 2,533, 04:09 Diterbitkan di Romania Romania Interaksi sosial dan hiburan Interaksi sosial dan hiburan

Here's a possibly unpopular opinion:

There is NOTHING Plato can give that would qualify as "fair compensation".

The battles will NOT be redone, the server will NOT be rolled back.
That was a policy set a loooooong time ago.

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#GoldShareChallenge [CornelB]

33 Hari ke 2,479, 07:29 Diterbitkan di China China Interaksi sosial dan hiburan Interaksi sosial dan hiburan

Dear eRepublik players

In the past few weeks you migh have noticed the Ice Bucket Challenge, where many people have been dumping a bucket of ice water and donated money in order to draw attention to the ALS disease and help with research. After

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Overproduction solved. Obviously.

32 Hari ke 2,466, 11:09 Diterbitkan di China China Interaksi sosial dan hiburan Interaksi sosial dan hiburan

The OBVIOUS solution to overproduction is, obviously, MOAR production.

What i would LOVE to see is a

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