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The Past and the Future

45 Hari ke 4,670, 06:55 Diterbitkan di Pakistan Pakistan Langkah pertama di eRepublik Langkah pertama di eRepublik

Just like in the good old days, here is something for you to LISTEN to while reading.

Furthermore, I ask you all to vote and comment. Spread the word. … lebih lanjut »

The Whisper

15 Hari ke 4,657, 06:50 Diterbitkan di Pakistan Pakistan Langkah pertama di eRepublik Langkah pertama di eRepublik

I was engulfed in nothingness. Nobody, nothing around me, just darkness and silence. I did not know how much time has passed and how I got there. I only knew I have been for a long time.

At one point I heard a faint whisper that has never been

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