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A comprehensive, and articulate description of the current political environment.

[USWP] Supply Drop! Comment for Free Q7 Tanks!

83 Hari ke 2,800, 20:45 Diterbitkan di USA USA Analisis dan debat politik Analisis dan debat politik

Hello Nation,

It's me SColbert, PP of USWP, and all around awesome guy. I come to you today to offer you free tanks on behalf of the generous donors here in USWP! With our imminent … lebih lanjut »

[USWP] SColbert for PP! 3 Times Been Around That Track

6 Hari ke 2,791, 22:34 Diterbitkan di USA USA Analisis dan debat politik Analisis dan debat politik

Hello USWP Nation,

I come to you today asking for a 3rd term as your Party President. It has been such an honor to have previously served the party in this position. USWP has become … lebih lanjut »

[SC4CP] We Can Do Better! Vote SColbert!

15 Hari ke 2,752, 23:08 Diterbitkan di USA USA Analisis dan debat politik Analisis dan debat politik

Hello Nation,

I am SColbert and I am running for President of the eUS. I decided to make the jump into the race because I believe we as a nation can do better. Serious … lebih lanjut »

[SC4CP] The Cabinet

19 Hari ke 2,750, 20:15 Diterbitkan di USA USA Analisis dan debat politik Analisis dan debat politik

Hello Nation,

Today I will be introducing you to the the rest of my cabinet. Many of these players are well known, but as promised I have included some new blood. Without … lebih lanjut »

[SC4CP] A Vision for the Future

16 Hari ke 2,748, 21:50 Diterbitkan di USA USA Analisis dan debat politik Analisis dan debat politik

Hello Nation,

In this article I will lay out my platform for the eUS’ continued success. I will also introduce you to my choices for Vice President and Chief of Staff. I … lebih lanjut »